
True Wealth is Generated in Sleep !!!
Being a Physician and working non-stop, I realize the burn out in this high intense field day-in and day-out. This takes a lot of your time from your family (especially when you have young kids and need most of your time). Commercial Real Estate Investing has shown me the true light a way out/freed up my time while generating passive income, that is tax friendly. In addition, I get to spend more and more time with my family. After all, we do strive for FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) eventually.
As a Commercial Real Estate Investor, I have realized the true worth of Network & Networking. As they say your "Network is your Networth". There is no better diversification of asset class, when it comes to Commercial Real Estate (especially Multifamily - refer to why CRE section for more details) and this is indeed a get rich slow scheme rather than get rich overnight one.
Investing In tangible assets such as Commercial Real Estate has been around for a number of decades for a myriad of beneficial reasons.
I take personal interest in each and every investor of mine, taking an Academic perspective in educating them and providing them knowledge based on their priori CRE investing experience. I assist them in making as risk averse investment as possible in any given market cycle, thereby making the investment as recession resistant as possible.
My goals have always been to:
1) Educate friends & physicians/providers about benefits of real estate investing, help them understand market cycles and make informed decision prior to investment, weighing the risk vs benefits vs alternatives (taking a fiduciary approach)
2) Help friends & physicians grow wealth and thereby cut down their clinical work and help them prevent burn out by generating legacy/generational wealth through passive income.
3) Assist them with Tax savvy Commercial Real Estate investment to reduce the Tax burden while earning passive income and creating more time in their day to day life to spend with their loved ones.
4) Work hard to know my investors needs and educate them at the best of my abilities and find answers/solutions to their problems first. Being an Academician, providing education pertaining to CRE investments (similar to FOAM - Free Open Access Medicine) is my number 1 priority
eal Estate investment to reduce the Tax burden while earning passive income and creating generational wealth.